Schedule your consultation here.

After you have completed your client assessment survey, we invite you to connect with one of our consultants to take you through a in-depth series of both systematic and customized questions that give us a stronger understanding of how to design a game plan for how to mitigate the risk as you launch your new opportunity.

Startup Champs is not the right fit for everyone. Many of our clients are high-net worth individuals to large Fortune 1000 companies that see the value of investing developing a data-driven, customized strategy to secure deposits and pre-orders. This process pays for itself in the long-run, but it can also require patience and capitalization in the short-term until milestones can be reached. We do our best to screen our clients for both this temperament and capacity.

For more information about our partnership with TSBDC to provide free relaunch consulting for small businesses, please click here and be sure you are already registered as a client within their network before scheduling an appointment with us.